Research Staff

Áureo de Paula

University College London

Aureo is a Professor of Economics at University College London and joined the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (cemmap) in 2011.  He is a Research Fellow with the IFS and CEPR, a Research Affiliate with the Population Studies Centre (University of Pennsylvania), a member of the  Inequality: Measurement, Interpretation, and Policy network of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (HCEO), a 25th LACEA Anniversary Associate, and a Fellow with the Centre for Econometrics and Microdata Practice (CEMP).  He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society.  His main fields of interest are micro econometrics and applied microeconomics.

Selected Publications

Interdependent durations in joint retirement

This paper introduces a bivariate version of the generalized accelerated failure time model. It allows for […]

Bo E. Honoré, Áureo de Paula
6 March 2014 | CWP08/14

Latest version

A new model for interdependent durations with an application to joint retirement
Bo E. Honoré, Áureo de Paula
17 February 2016 | CWP07/16

Previous version

Interdependent durations in joint retirement
Bo E. Honoré, Áureo de Paula
11 March 2013 | CWP05/13
Identification and estimation of preference distributions when voters are ideological

This paper studies the nonparametric identification and estimation of voters’ preferences when voters are ideological. We […]

Antonio Merlo, Áureo de Paula
8 October 2013 | CWP51/13

Latest version

Identification and estimation of preference distributions when voters are ideological
Antonio Merlo, Áureo de Paula
2 September 2015 | CWP50/15
Econometric analysis of games with multiple equilibria

This article reviews the recent literature on the econometric analysis of games where multiple solutions are […]

Áureo de Paula
31 August 2013 | Journal Article

Previous version

Econometric analysis of games with multiple equilibria
Áureo de Paula
1 October 2012 | CWP29/12
Interdependent durations in joint retirement

In this paper we specify and use a new duration model to study joint retirement in […]

Bo E. Honoré, Áureo de Paula
11 March 2013 | CWP05/13

Latest version

Interdependent durations in joint retirement
Bo E. Honoré, Áureo de Paula
6 March 2014 | CWP08/14
Econometric analysis of games with multiple equilibria

This article reviews the recent literature on the econometric analysis of games where multiple solutions are […]

Áureo de Paula
1 October 2012 | CWP29/12

Latest version

Econometric analysis of games with multiple equilibria
Áureo de Paula
31 August 2013 | Journal Article