
Cemmap organises workshops and symposia, to discuss ongoing research and spur continuing development of research methods and practice. We welcome collaborations and frequently organise events with leading institutions from the UK and abroad. If you have any queries, please contact events team or see our terms and conditions.

Measuring Prices and Quantities Conference

18 March 2020

Venue: Postponed until a date to be announced.
Causal Inference

1 May 2020

Organisers: Pedro Carneiro, Alexandre Poirier
Venue: Postponed until a date to be announced.
Cemmap/SNU workshop on Advances in Econometric

28 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Organisers: Yoon-Jae Whang, Ryo Okui, Toru Kitagawa
Venue: Postponed until a date to be announced.
Econometric Methods for Modern Data Structures

28 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Organiser: Koen Jochmans
Venue: Postponed until a date to be announced.
Econometrics in Rio

5 June 2020 - 6 June 2020

Organisers: Áureo de Paula, Marcelo Moreira
Venue: Postponed until a date to be announced.
Future challenges in housing finance

18 June 2020 - 19 June 2020

Organisers: Lars Nesheim, Jonathan Halket
Venue: Bank of England
(Ce)² Workshop

29 June 2020 - 30 June 2020

Speaker: prof. Jörn-Steffen Pischke
Venue: Cancelled due to coronavirus outbreak
Econometric Study Group Annual Conference

9 July 2020 - 11 July 2020

Organisers: Sami Stouli, Senay Sokullu, David Pacini, Chris Muris, Irene Botosaru
Venue: Cancelled due to coronavirus outbreak
Missing Data in Longitudinal and Linked Surveys: Day 1

18 September 2020

Organisers: Thomas Crossley, Lars Nesheim
Venue: Online only