
The seminar series is arranged by Daniel Lewis and Ben Deaner.

Confidence Intervals for Projections of Partially Identified Parameters

16 May 2017

Speaker: Jorg Stoye
Venue: UCL Economics Department
Rate-Optimal Semiparametric Estimation

22 May 2017

Speaker: Whitney K. Newey
Venue: UCL Economics Department
Sparsity and Dimension Reduction in Bayesian Conditional Density Estimation

23 May 2017

Speaker: Andriy Norets
Venue: UCL Economics Department
Long-Run Covariability

6 June 2017

Speaker: Ulrich K. Mueller
Venue: UCL Economics Department
Revising the Synthetic Control Estimator

26 September 2017

Speaker: Bruno Ferman
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Limited Attention and Risk Preferences – Francesca Molinari (Cornell University)

3 October 2017

Speaker: Francesca Molinari
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Partial Unemployment Insurance – Thomas Le Barbanchon (Bocconi University)

17 October 2017

Speaker: Thomas Le Barbanchon
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Identification and Estimation of a Social Interaction Model using Network Data

24 October 2017

Speaker: Eric Auerbach
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies