
The seminar series is arranged by Daniel Lewis and Ben Deaner.

The identifiability of production functions

17 February 2015

Speaker: Paul Schrimpf
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Conditional inference with a functional nuisance parameter

24 February 2015

Speaker: Isaiah Andrews
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
An improved bootstrap test of density ratio ordering

3 March 2015

Speaker: Brendan Beare
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
On the maximum and minimum esponse to an impulse in svars

17 March 2015

Speaker: Jose Luis Montiel Olea
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Dependent factor models

24 March 2015

Speaker: Dan Ben-Moshe
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Identification- and singularity- robust inference for moment condition models

16 April 2015

Speaker: Patrik Buggenberger
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Errors in the dependent variable of quantile regression models

21 April 2015

Speaker: Jerry Hausman
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Model equivalence tests for overidentifying restrictions

28 April 2015

Speaker: Pascal Lavergne
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Shrinkage estimation of high-dimensional factor models with structural instabilities

12 May 2015

Speaker: Xu Cheng
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Coverage accuracy in bias-corrected nonparametric and linear semiparametric inference

19 May 2015

Speaker: Max Farrell
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies