
The seminar series is arranged by Daniel Lewis and Ben Deaner.

Cube-root-n and faster convergence, laplace estimators and inference

16 November 2010

Speaker: Sung Jae Jun
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Measurement error and convolution in generalized functions spaces

23 November 2010

Speaker: Victoria Zinde-Walsh
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Entropy and revealed preferences in matching games

30 November 2010

Speaker: Alfred Galichon
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Sequential estimation of structural models with a fixed point constraint

9 December 2010

Speaker: Hiroyuki Kasahara
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
The partially linear model with many regressors

15 December 2010

Speaker: Whitney K. Newey
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies