
The seminar series is arranged by Daniel Lewis and Ben Deaner.

Econometric analysis of present value models when the discount factor is near one

3 October 2008

Speaker: Kenneth West
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
The own and social effects of an unexpected income shock: evidence from the Dutch postcode lottery

7 October 2008

Speaker: Peter Kuhn
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Inference in models with multiple equilibria

14 October 2008

Speaker: Marc Henry
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nonparametric estimation in random coefficients binary choice models

21 October 2008

Speaker: Eric Gautier
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Estimation of dynamic discrete games when players’ beliefs are not in equilibrium

4 November 2008

Speaker: Victor Aguirregabiria
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Identifying Heterogeneity in Economic Choice and Selection Models using Mixtures

11 November 2008

Speaker: Amit Gandhi Gandhi
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Nonparametric Inference on Efficient Treatment Assignment Under Budget Constraints

25 November 2008

Speaker: Debopam Bhattacharya
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Pride and Prejudice: Evidence from the “Promised Land”

2 December 2008

Speaker: Yona Rubinstein
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Inference with compromised randomization: the case of the Perry Preschool Program

9 December 2008

Speaker: Azeem M. Shaikh
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies