
The seminar series is arranged by Daniel Lewis and Ben Deaner.

Constrained optimization approaches to estimation of structural models (joint with Kenneth L. Judd)

15 April 2008

Speaker: Che-Lin Su
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
A new instrumental method for dealing with endogenous selection

22 April 2008

Speaker: Xavier d'Haultfoeuille
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Dynamic discrete choice models with maximal heterogeneity

29 April 2008

Speaker: Martin Browning
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Adaptive Experimental Design using the Propensity Score

13 May 2008

Speaker: Keisuke Hirano
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Evidence from maternity leave expansions of the impact of maternal care on early child development

20 May 2008

Speaker: Kevin Milligan
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Global Identification in Nonlinear Semiparametric Models

27 May 2008

Speaker: Ivana Komunjer
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Inference in models with adaptive learning, with an application to the new Keynesian Phillips curve

3 June 2008

Speaker: Sophocles Mavroeidis
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Improving Point and Interval Estimates for Monotone Functions by Rearrangements

24 June 2008

Speaker: Victor Chernozhukov
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Specification testing in nonparametric instrumental variables estimation

25 June 2008

Speaker: Joel L. Horowitz
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Maternal education, child-care and nutritional status: Lessons from a nutritional program

30 September 2008

Speaker: Nithin Umapathi
Venue: The Institute for Fiscal Studies