
The cemmap working paper series publishes papers expanding the frontiers of knowledge in microdata methods and practice. Martin Weidner is the editor of the working paper series.

Specification tests for partially identified models defined by moment inequalities

This paper studies the problem of specification testing in partially identified models defined by a finite… Continue reading.

Federico A. Bugni, Ivan A. Canay, Xiaoxia Shi
January 2013


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Specification tests for partially identified models defined by moment inequalities
Federico A. Bugni, Ivan A. Canay, Xiaoxia Shi
March 2015 | CWP
A semiparametric model for heterogeneous panel data with fixed effects

This paper develops methodology for semiparametric panel data models in a setting where both the time… Continue reading.

Lena Boneva (Körber), Oliver Linton, Michael Vogt
January 2013


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A semiparametric model for heterogeneous panel data with fixed effects
Lena Boneva (Körber), Oliver Linton, Michael Vogt
March 2015 | CWP
Estimating demand for differentiated products with error in market shares

In this paper we introduce a new approach to estimating a differentiated product demand system that… Continue reading.

Amit Gandhi Gandhi, Zhentong Lu, Xiaoxia Shi
February 2013


Identification of discrete choice models for bundles and binary games

We study nonparametric identification of single-agent discrete choice models for bundles and binary games of complete… Continue reading.

Jeremy Fox, Natalia Lazzati
February 2013


Interdependent durations in joint retirement

In this paper we specify and use a new duration model to study joint retirement in… Continue reading.

Bo E. Honoré, Áureo de Paula
March 2013


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Interdependent durations in joint retirement
Bo E. Honoré, Áureo de Paula
March 2014 | CWP08/14
Career progression, economic downturns and skills

This paper analyses the career progression of skilled and unskilled workers, with a focus on how… Continue reading.

Jerome Adda, Christian Dustmann, Costas Meghir, Jean-Marc Robin
March 2013


Assortative matching and search with labor supply and home production

We extend the search-matching model of the marriage market of Shimer and Smith (200) to allow… Continue reading.

Nicolas Jacquemet, Jean-Marc Robin
March 2013


Wages and informality in developing countries

It is often argued that informal labour markets in developing countries are the engine of growth… Continue reading.

Costas Meghir, Renata Narita, Jean-Marc Robin
March 2013


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Wages and informality in developing countries
Costas Meghir, Renata Narita, Jean-Marc Robin
April 2015 | CWP
Testing for homogeneity in mixture models

Statistical models of unobserved heterogeneity are typically formalised as mixtures of simple parametric models and interest… Continue reading.

Jiaying Gu, Roger Koenker, Stanislav Volgushev
March 2013


What do instrumental variable models deliver with discrete dependent variables?

We study models with discrete endogenous variables and compare the use of two stage least squares… Continue reading.

Andrew Chesher, Adam Rosen
March 2013


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Let’s get LADE: robust estimation of semiparametric multiplicative volatility models

We investigate a model in which we connect slowly time varying unconditional long-run volatility with short-run… Continue reading.

Bonsoo Koo, Oliver Linton
March 2013


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Random coefficients in static games of complete information

Individual players in a simultaneous equation binary choice model act differently in different environments in ways… Continue reading.

Fabian Dunker, Stefan Hoderlein, Hiroaki Kaido
March 2013


Long memory via networking

Many time-series data are known to exhibit ‘long memory’, that is, they have an autocorrelation function… Continue reading.

Susanne M. Schennach
April 2013


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Long memory via networking
Susanne M. Schennach
July 2018 | CWP49/18
Maximum score estimation of preference parameters for a binary choice model under uncertainty

This paper develops maximum score estimation of preference parameters in the binary choice model under uncertainty… Continue reading.

Le-Yu Chen, Sokbae (Simon) Lee, Myung Jae Sung
April 2013


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Maximum score estimation with nonparametrically generated regressors
Le-Yu Chen, Sokbae (Simon) Lee, Myung Jae Sung
May 2014 | CWP27/14
Nonparametric estimation of multivariate elliptic densities via finite mixture sieves

This paper considers the class of p-dimensional elliptic distributions (p ≥ 1) satisfying the consistency property… Continue reading.

Heather Battey, Oliver Linton
April 2013


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Non-parametric transformation regression with non-stationary data

We examine a kernel regression smoother for time series that takes account of the error correlation… Continue reading.

Oliver Linton, Qiying Wang
April 2013


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Nonparametric transformation regression with non-stationary data
Oliver Linton, Qiying Wang
February 2016 | CWP
Inference on counterfactual distributions

Counterfactual distributions are important ingredients for policy analysis and de-composition analysis in empirical economics. In this… Continue reading.

Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val, Blaise Melly
May 2013


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Inference on counterfactual distributions
Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val, Blaise Melly
November 2010 | CWP

Previous version

Inference on counterfactual distributions
Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val, Blaise Melly
February 2012 | CWP05/12
Asymptotic theory for the QMLE in GARCH-X models with stationary and non-stationary covariates

This paper investigates the asymptotic properties of the Gaussian quasi-maximum-likelihood estimators (QMLE’s) of the GARCH model… Continue reading.

Heejoon Han, Dennis Kristensen
May 2013


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Likelihood inference in some finite mixture models

Parametric mixture models are commonly used in applied work, especially empirical economics, where these models are… Continue reading.

Xiaohong Chen, Maria Ponomareva, Elie Tamer
May 2013


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Likelihood inference in some finite mixture models
Xiaohong Chen, Maria Ponomareva, Elie Tamer
September 2014 | CWP
Bond returns and market expectations

A well-documented empirical result is that market expectations extracted from futures contracts on the federal funds… Continue reading.

Carlo Altavilla, Riccardo Costantini, Raffaella Giacomini
May 2013


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Bond Returns and Market Expectations
Carlo Altavilla, Raffaella Giacomini, Riccardo Costantini
October 2014 | CWP