
The cemmap working paper series publishes papers expanding the frontiers of knowledge in microdata methods and practice. Martin Weidner is the editor of the working paper series.

Welfare analysis using nonseparable models

This paper proposes a framework to model empirically welfare effects that are associated with a price… Continue reading.

Stefan Hoderlein, Anne Vanhems
January 2011


Factor rotation with non-negativity constraints

Factor rotation is widely used to interpret the estimated factor loadings from latent variable models. Rotation… Continue reading.

Stephen Pudney
January 2011


High performance quadrature rules: how numerical integration affects a popular model of product differentiation

Efficient, accurate, multi-dimensional, numerical integration has become an important tool for approximating the integrals which arise… Continue reading.

Kenneth L. Judd, Ben Skrainka
February 2011


Policy analysis with incredible certitude

Analyses of public policy regularly express certitude about the consequences of alternative policy choices. Yet policy… Continue reading.

Charles F. Manski
February 2011


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Policy analysis with incredible certitude
Charles F. Manski
July 2011 | CWP
Does it matter who responded to the survey? Trends in the U.S. gender earnings gap revisited

Blau and Kahn (JOLE, 1997; ILRR, 2006) decomposed trends in the U.S. gender earnings gap into… Continue reading.

Jungmin Lee, Sokbae (Simon) Lee
February 2011


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An instrumental variable model of multiple discrete choice

This paper studies identification of latent utility functions in multiple discrete choice models in which there… Continue reading.

Andrew Chesher, Adam Rosen, Konrad Smolinski
February 2011


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An instrumental variable model of multiple discrete choice
Andrew Chesher, Adam Rosen, Konrad Smolinski
December 2011 | CWP39/11
The long-term effects of in-work benefits in a life-cycle model for policy evaluation

This paper presents a life-cycle model of woman’s labour supply, human capital formation and savings for… Continue reading.

Richard Blundell, Monica Costa Dias, Costas Meghir, Jonathan Shaw
February 2011


Statistical inference on regression with spatial dependence

Central limit theorems are developed for instrumental variables estimates of linear and semiparametric partly linear regression… Continue reading.

Peter Robinson, Supachoke Thawornkaiwong
February 2011


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Statistical inference on regression with spatial dependence
Peter Robinson, Supachoke Thawornkaiwong
April 2012 | CWP
Inference on power law spatial trends

Power law or generalized polynomial regressions with unknown real-valued exponents and coefficients, and weakly dependent errors,… Continue reading.

Peter Robinson
February 2011


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Inference on power law spatial trends
Peter Robinson
May 2012 | CWP
Nonparametric trending regression with cross-sectional dependence

Panel data, whose series length T is large but whose cross-section size N need not be,… Continue reading.

Peter Robinson
February 2011


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Asymptotic theory for nonparametric regression with spatial data

Nonparametric regression with spatial, or spatio-temporal, data is considered. The conditional mean of a dependent variable,… Continue reading.

Peter Robinson
February 2011


Testing functional inequalities

This paper develops tests for inequality constraints of nonparametric regression functions. The test statistics involve a… Continue reading.

Sokbae (Simon) Lee, Kyungchui (Kevin) Song, Yoon-Jae Whang
February 2011


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Testing functional inequalities
Sokbae (Simon) Lee, Song, Kyungchul, Yoon-Jae Whang
January 2013 | CWP
Set identified linear models

We analyze the identification and estimation of parameters β satisfying the incomplete linear moment restrictions E(z… Continue reading.

Christian Bontemps, Thierry Magnac, Eric Maurin
April 2011


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Set identified linear models
Christian Bontemps, Thierry Magnac, Eric Maurin
May 2012 | CWP
Testing multivariate economic restrictions using quantiles: the example of Slutsky negative semidefiniteness

This paper is concerned with testing rationality restrictions using quantile regression methods. Specifically, we consider negative… Continue reading.

Holger Dette, Stefan Hoderlein, Natalie Neumeyer
May 2011


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On the role of time in nonseparable panel data models

This paper contributes to the understanding of the source of identification in panel data models. Recent… Continue reading.

Stefan Hoderlein, Yuya Sasaki
May 2011


Inference and decision for set identified parameters using posterior lower and upper probabilities

This paper develops inference and statistical decision for set-identified parameters from the robust Bayes perspective. When… Continue reading.

Toru Kitagawa
May 2011


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Robust Bayesian inference for set-identified models
Raffaella Giacomini, Toru Kitagawa
November 2018 | CWP61/18
Local identification of nonparametric and semiparametric models

In parametric models a sufficient condition for local identification is that the vector of moment conditions… Continue reading.

Xiaohong Chen, Victor Chernozhukov, Sokbae (Simon) Lee, Whitney K. Newey
May 2011


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Local identification of nonparametric and semiparametric models
Xiaohong Chen, Victor Chernozhukov, Sokbae (Simon) Lee, Whitney K. Newey
November 2012 | CWP37/12
Is distance dying at last? Falling home bias in fixed effects models of patent citations

We examine the “home bias” of knowledge spillovers (the idea that knowledge spreads more slowly over… Continue reading.

Rachel Griffith, Sokbae (Simon) Lee, John Van Reenen
May 2011


Conditional quantile processes based on series or many regressors

Quantile regression (QR) is a principal regression method for analyzing the impact of covariates on outcomes…. Continue reading.

Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val
May 2011


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Conditional quantile processes based on series or many regressors
Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Ivan Fernandez-Val
August 2016 | CWP46/16
Quantile regression with censoring and endogeneity

In this paper, we develop a new censored quantile instrumental variable (CQIV)estimator and describe its properties… Continue reading.

Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val, Amanda Kowalski
May 2011


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Quantile regression with censoring and endogeneity
Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val, Amanda Kowalski
May 2015 | CWP