
The cemmap working paper series publishes papers expanding the frontiers of knowledge in microdata methods and practice. Martin Weidner is the editor of the working paper series.

Econometric causality

This paper presents the econometric approach to causal modeling. It is motivated by policy problems. New… Continue reading.

James Heckman
February 2008


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Econometric causality
James Heckman
January 2008 | CWP
Assessing the equalizing force of mobility using short panels: France 1990-2000

In this paper, we document whether and how much the equalizing force of earnings mobility has… Continue reading.

Stéphane Bonhomme, Jean-Marc Robin
February 2008


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Assessing the equalizing force of mobility using short panels: France 1990-2000
Stéphane Bonhomme, Jean-Marc Robin
January 2009 | CWP
Generalized nonparametric deconvolution with an application to earnings dynamics

In this paper,we construct a nonparametric estimator of the distributions of latent factors in linear independent… Continue reading.

Stéphane Bonhomme, Jean-Marc Robin
February 2008


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Consistent noisy independent component analysis

We study linear factor models under the assumptions that factors are mutually independent and independent of… Continue reading.

Stéphane Bonhomme, Jean-Marc Robin
February 2008


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Consistent noisy independent component analysis
Stéphane Bonhomme, Jean-Marc Robin
April 2009 | CWP
Dynamic policy analysis

This chapter studies the microeconometric treatment-effect and structural approaches to dynamic policy evaluation. First, we discuss… Continue reading.

Jaap Abbring, James Heckman
February 2008


Identifying the returns to lying when the truth is unobserved

Consider an observed binary regressor D and an unobserved binary variable D*, both of which affect… Continue reading.

Yingyao Hu, Arthur Lewbel
February 2008


Computationally efficient recursions for top-order invariant polynomials with applications

The top-order zonal polynomials Ck(A),and top-order invariant polynomials Ck1,…,kr(A1,…,Ar)in which each of the partitions of ki,i… Continue reading.

Grant Hillier, Raymond Kan, Xiaolu Wang
February 2008


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Bootstrap tests of stochastic dominance with asymptotic similarity on the boundary

We propose a new method of testing stochastic dominance which improves on existing tests based on… Continue reading.

Oliver Linton, Kyungchui (Kevin) Song, Yoon-Jae Whang
March 2008


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An improved bootstrap test of stochastic dominance
Oliver Linton, Song, Kyungchul, Yoon-Jae Wang
February 2010 | CWP
Efficient estimation of semiparametric conditional moment models with possibly nonsmooth residuals

For semi/nonparametric conditional moment models containing unknown parametric components θ and unknown functions of endogenous variables… Continue reading.

Xiaohong Chen, Demian Pouzo
May 2008


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Adaptive partial policy innovation: coping with ambiguity through diversification

This paper develops a broad theme about policy choice under ambiguity through study of a particular… Continue reading.

Charles F. Manski
April 2008


More on confidence intervals for partially identified parameters

This paper extends Imbens and Manski’s (2004) analysis of confidence intervals for interval identified parameters. For… Continue reading.

Jörg Stoye
April 2008


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Estimation of nonparametric conditional moment models with possibly nonsmooth moments

This paper studies nonparametric estimation of conditional moment models in which the residual functions could be… Continue reading.

Xiaohong Chen, Demian Pouzo
April 2008


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Nonparametric identification of dynamic models with unobserved state variables

We consider the identification of a Markov process {Wt, Xt*} for t=1,2,…,T when only {Wt} for… Continue reading.

Yingyao Hu, Matthew Shum
May 2008


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Generating functions and short recursions, with applications to the moments of quadratic forms in noncentral normal vectors

Using generating functions, the top-order zonal polynomials that occur in much distribution theory under normality can… Continue reading.

Grant Hillier, Raymond Kan, Xiaolu Wang
June 2008


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Sharp identification regions in games

We study identification in static, simultaneous move finite games of complete information, where the presence of… Continue reading.

Arie Beresteanu, Ilya Molchanov, Francesca Molinari
June 2008


Identification with imperfect instruments

Dealing with endogenous regressors is a central challenge of applied research. The standard solution is to… Continue reading.

Aviv Nevo, Adam Rosen
June 2008


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Identification with imperfect instruments
Aviv Nevo, Adam Rosen
July 2012 | CWP
Improving point and interval estimates of monotone functions by rearrangement

Suppose that a target function is monotonic, namely weakly increasing, and an original estimate of this… Continue reading.

Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val, Alfred Galichon
July 2008


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Improving estimates of monotone functions by rearrangement
Victor Chernozhukov, Ivan Fernandez-Val, Alfred Galichon
September 2009 | CWP
Household willingness to pay for organic products

We use hedonic prices and purchase quantities to consider what can be learned about household willingness… Continue reading.

Rachel Griffith, Lars Nesheim
July 2008


GEL methods for non-smooth moment indicators

This paper considers the first order large sample properties of the GEL class of estimators for… Continue reading.

Paulo Parente, Richard Smith
July 2008


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GEL methods for non-smooth moment indicators
Paulo Parente, Richard Smith
February 2011 | CWP
Estimating derivatives in nonseparable models with limited dependent variables

We present a simple way to estimate the effects of changes in a vector of observable… Continue reading.

Joseph Altonji, Hidehiko Ichimura, Taisuke Otsu
July 2008


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Estimating derivatives in nonseparable models with limited dependent variables
Joseph Altonji, Hidehiko Ichimura, Taisuke Otsu
July 2012 | CWP