Matthias Parey
Selected Publications
Estimation of a nonseparable heterogenous demand function with shape restrictions and Berkson errors
Berkson errors are commonplace in empirical microeconomics and occur whenever we observe an average in a […]
Testing exogeneity in nonparametric instrumental variables identified by conditional quantile restrictions
This paper presents a test for exogeneity of explanatory variables in a nonparametric instrumental variables (IV) […]
Nonparametric estimation of a heterogeneous demand function under the Slutsky inequality restriction
Economic theory rarely provides a parametric specification for a model, but it often provides shape restrictions. […]
Measuring the price responsiveness of gasoline demand: economic shape restrictions and nonparametric demand estimation
This paper develops a new method for estimating a demand function and the welfare consequences of […]
Maternal education, home environments and the development of children and adolescents
We study the intergenerational effects of maternal education on children’s cognitive achievement, behavioral problems, grade repetition […]
Measuring the price responsiveness of gasoline demand
This paper develops a new method for estimating the demand function for gasoline and the deadweight […]