Research Staff
Liyang Sun
Dr. Liyang Sun is an econometrician with research interests in causal inference and weak identification. She primarily focuses on developing new methods for causal inference in a more realistic setting of treatment effects heterogeneity. She has also contributed research on weak identification with many instruments. She is a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at University College London and an Untenured Associate Professor (on leave) at CEMFI. Previously she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UC Berkeley. She received her Ph.D in Economics and Statistics from MIT in 2021, and her B.A. in Economics and Mathematics from Wellesley College in 2014.
Selected Publications
Empirical Welfare Maximization (EWM) is a framework that can be used to select welfare program eligibility […]
Empirical research typically involves a robustness-efficiency tradeoff. A researcher seeking to estimate a scalar parameter can […]
When there are multiple outcome series of interest, Synthetic Control analyses typically proceed by estimating separate […]