Hiroaki Kaido
Selected Publications
Nonparametric identification of endogenous and heterogeneous aggregate demand models: complements, bundles and the market level
This paper studies nonparametric identification in market level demand models for differentiated products. We generalize common […]
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Robust confidence regions for incomplete models
Call an economic model incomplete if it does not generate a probabilistic prediction even given knowledge […]
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Nonparametric identification of endogenous and heterogeneous aggregate demand models: complements, bundles and the market level
This paper studies nonparametric identification in market level demand models for di fferentiated products. We generalize […]
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Asymptotically efficient estimation of weighted average derivatives with an interval censored variable
This paper studies the identification and estimation of weighted average derivatives of conditional location functionals including […]
Random coefficients in static games of complete information
Individual players in a simultaneous equation binary choice model act differently in different environments in ways […]