Please note this course has been postponed until 26-27 April 2021.
This course will proceed from a state of zero (assumed) prior knowledge of R ( and the tools used to conduct modern (read reproducible) research to a state of (hopefully) being conversant in R and being able to conduct modern statistical/econometric research in a unified framework. We will begin with the basics of using R (e.g., “Why use R?”, “How do I read my Stata or Excel data into R?”) then progress to an overview of various statistical methods that form the backbone of modern applied research. We will then introduce tools for reproducible research (R Markdown & RStudio) and touch on using github for version control. Extensive examples will be covered and participants are expected to bring their own computer pre-loaded with all necessary software (i.e., R, RStudio, TeX, github, though those without a computer can use RStudio Cloud via a browser instead). A website will be made available to participants where they can access supplementary materials and various resources to help them quickly get up to speed with the material. Those already familiar with R are welcome and ought to benefit as much as those unfamiliar with R.