This event is jointly sponsored by cemmap and a ‘ROMETA’ grant from the European Research Council.
Instrumental variables play a key role in applied economics for identification and estimation in models with endogenous explanatory variables. While parametric models are commonly used in applications, economic theory and a priori knowledge are often insufficient for the justification of a parametric specification. This conference features recent research on instrumental variables in nonparametric models, which do not rely on potentially incorrect parametric specifications.
Speakers include:
- Jia-Young (Mike) Fu (Northwestern)
- Xavier d’Haultfoeuille (ENSAE, CREST-INSEE)
- Yuan Liao (Northwestern)
- Demian Pouzo (UC Berkeley)
- Andres Santos (UCSD)
- Anna Simoni (Bocconi)
- Konrad Smolinski (cemmap)