
(Ce)2 Workshop – CALL FOR PAPERS

Date & Time

From: 27 June 2016
Until: 28 June 2016




Warsaw (Venue TBC)

Call for papers

The (Ce)2 workshop is a joint initiative of the Centre for Economic Analysis (CenEA, Poland) and the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (cemmap, UK). The third edition of the workshop will take place in Warsaw on 27-28 June 2016.

The workshop aims at covering topics in microeconomic theory and microeconomic applications and will particularly welcome studies in the following fields:

Microeconomic applications

  • Early childhood interventions
  • Cognitive and non-cognitive skills
  • Design of efficient education and health policies
  • Education, health and employment

Microeconomic theory

  • Incentives and mechanism design
  • Collective decisions and networks
  • Information and communication
  • Nexus between experiments and theory


Only full papers are considered. Authors have 50 minutes for their presentation and they are expected to discuss another paper presented at the workshop. The total number of presentations will not exceed 16.


There is no conference fee but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Online submission via are open now. The submission deadline is 8 April 2016. Notifications are expected by 22 April 2016

If you would like further information please visit the CenEA event page here and download the call for papers here.