The Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (Cemmap) – a joint venture by the Department of Economics at University College London and the Institute for Fiscal Studies – has secured new support from the Economic and Social Research council. Its Legacy Centre status will support communication, knowledge exchange, and capacity building activities.
Cemmap was founded in 2000 to develop and apply methods for modelling individual behaviour, the influences on it and the impact of policy interventions. It became a ESRC Research Centre in 2007. This new funding is designed to maximise the impact of its achievements and encourage longer-term sustainability. Five established research centres including Cemmap will receive just under £500,000 in total.
Professor Jennifer Rubin, Executive Chair of the ESRC, said: “Legacy status will ensure that these ESRC-funded centres are recognised for their ongoing excellence and are able to continue to maximise the impact of the centres’ achievements and value to society. We are delighted that these centres will, through this recognition, retain their close strategic relationship with the ESRC.”