This 2 day conference presents recent developments in econometrics, with an emphasis on macroeconometrics, identification and robustness. It is sponsored by the organisers’ respective ERC grants and by Cemmap.
This conference is organised by Raffaella Giacomini, UCL and Sophocles Mavroeids, Oxford.
Please see below for a list of speakers:
Isaiah Andrews (Harvard)
Xu Cheng (Penn)
Tim Christensen (NYU)
Frank Kleibergen (Amsterdam)
Luca Gambetti (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Patrik Guggenberger (Penn State)
Adam McCloskey (Colorado)
Anna Mikusheva (MIT)
Alexey Onatskiy (Cambridge)
Mikkel Plagborg-Moller (Princeton)
Cynthia Wu (Notre Dame)