cemmap is the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice.

What we do

Cemmap develops and applies methods for modelling individual behaviour, the influences on it and the impact of policy interventions.

Cemmap conducts research and organises conferences, symposia, workshops and training courses. Academic and professional economists and social scientists from the UK and abroad are welcome at cemmap events.

Cemmap maintains an extensive network of fellows at home and abroad, it has organised 170 training courses and over 80 masterclasses and workshops, and is home to one of the world’s leading working papers series in the field of microeconometrics with over 700 titles, many now published in leading journals.

Cemmap is a joint venture by the Department of Economics University College London and the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Its offices are at the IFS in Bloomsbury in central London.

Cemmap was founded in 2000 with a grant from the Leverhulme Trust. In 2007, cemmap became a national Research Centre of the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK (ESRC). In 2011, the ESRC approved a further five years of funding, covering 2012-17. In May 2017 cemmap was awarded an ESRC Large Research Grant which funded cemmap research from October 2017 through September 2021.

Cemmap has ESRC Research Centre Legacy funding and continues all of its activites. It organises many workshops in the UK and, in cooperation with others, abroad. It stages on average three Masterclasses per year. It continues to attract funding , for example from grants to its staff from the ERC, and it continues to advance research in econometric methods and practice with results published in the world’s leading journals.

Cemmap greatly values its cooperations with other research centres and welcomes approaches that can lead to new joint enterprises.

Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice
Institute for Fiscal Studies
7 Ridgmount Street

Tel: +44 (0)20 7291 4800
Fax: +44 (0)20 7323 4780

Email us

For a map and travel directions, see directions to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

IFS directions

Courses and some other events are held at the UCL Economics Department. See directions to Drayton House.

UCL directions